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  • Paris Capitale - Italiano

    Log In Saint-Augustin Villa Santos-Dumont Parc Georges-Brassens Paris - Capitale invites you to discover Paris while optimizing your stay. The essential tourist sites, monuments, cultural places, gastronomy, romantic walks, French luxury and the world of Palaces. ​ The originality lies in the chronological order of appearance of these sites. Immerse yourself in elegance and the French art of living while strolling along the banks of the Seine. Discover the unique Haussmannian architecture, a bold fusion of creativity, innovation and timeless elegance unique to Paris. Be inspired by this unique experience. Eglise orthodoxe Natural spaces Sacré Cœur Chic Parisien Église Sainte-Geneviève

  • Paris Capitale - Russian

    Log In Paris - Capitale Eglise orthodoxe Villa Santos-Dumont Parc Georges-Brassens invites you to discover Paris while optimizing your stay. The essential tourist sites, monuments, cultural places, gastronomy, romantic walks, French luxury and the world of Palaces. ​ The originality lies in the chronological order of appearance of these sites. Immerse yourself in elegance and the French art of living while strolling along the banks of the Seine. Discover the unique Haussmannian architecture, a bold fusion of creativity, innovation and timeless elegance unique to Paris. Be inspired by this unique experience. Saint-Augustin Sacré Cœur Chic Parisien Église Sainte-Geneviève Natural spaces

  • Paris Capitale - Paris

    Paris - Capitale приглашает вас открыть для себя Париж и оптимизировать свое пребывание. Основные туристические объекты, памятники, культурные места, гастрономия, романтические прогулки, французская роскошь и мир дворцов. ​ Оригинальность заключается в хронологическом порядке появления этих памятников. Погрузитесь в элегантность и французское искусство жизни, прогуливаясь по берегам Сены. Откройте для себя уникальную архитектуру Османа, смелое сочетание творчества, инноваций и вечной элегантности, уникальное для Парижа. Вдохновитесь этим уникальным опытом. invites you to discover Paris while optimizing your stay. The essential tourist sites, monuments, cultural places, gastronomy, romantic walks, French luxury and the world of Palaces. ​ The originality lies in the chronological order of appearance of these sites. Immerse yourself in elegance and the French art of living while strolling along the banks of the Seine. Discover the unique Haussmannian architecture, a bold fusion of creativity, innovation and timeless elegance unique to Paris. Be inspired by this unique experience. Log In lädt Sie ein, Paris zu entdecken und gleichzeitig Ihren Aufenthalt zu optimieren. Die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten, Denkmäler, Kulturstätten, Gastronomy, romantic Spaziergänge, französischer Luxus und die Welt der Paläste. Die Originalität liegt in der chronologischen Reihenfolge des Erscheinens dieser Stätten. Tauchen Sie ein in Elegant and French Lebenskunst bei einem Spaziergang am Seineufer. Entdecken Sie die zigartige Haussmann-Architektur, eine kühne Mischung aus Kreativität, Innovation und zeitloser Eleganza, die für Paris typisch ist. Lassen Sie sich von diesem einzigartigen Erlebnis inspirieren. Arc de triomphe Sacré Cœur Paris-Cap.Fr chéng yāo nín tànsuǒ bālí, tóngshí yōuhuà nín de zhùsù tǐyàn. Zhòngyào de lǚyóu jǐngdiǎn, jìniànbēi, wénhuà chǎngsuǒ, měishí, làngmàn de sànbù, fàshì shēhuá hé gōngdiàn shìjiè. Dúchuàng xìng zàiyú zhèxiē wǎngzhàn chūxiàn de shíjiān shùnxù. Yánzhe sāinà hépàn mànbù, chénjìn zài yōuyǎ hé fàshì shēnghuó yìshù zhōng. Tànsuǒ dútè de àosīmàn jiànzhú, zhè shì bālí tèyǒu de chuàngyì, chuàngxīn hé yǒnghéng yōuyǎ de dàdǎn rónghé. Cóng zhè zhǒng dútè de jīnglì zhōng huòdé línggǎn. Orthodox Church ti invita a scoprire Parigi ottimizzando il tuo soggiorno. I siti turistici imperdibili, i monumenti, i luoghi della cultura, la gastronomia, le passeggiate romantiche, il lusso francese e il mondo dei Palazzi. ​ L'originalità sta nell'ordine cronologico di comparsa di questi siti. Immergiti nell'eleganza e nell'arte di vivere francese passeggiando lungo le rive della Senna. Scopri l'architettura haussmanniana unica, un'audace fusione di creatività, innovazione ed eleganza senza tempo unica a Parigi. Lasciati ispirare da questa esperienza unica. Natural spaces Place Vendôme

  • Paris Capitale - Musée de Paris

    Louvre Museum The Louvre has roots dating back to the 12th century, when King Philippe Auguste built a fortified castle in 1190 to protect Paris. Charles V decided to make it a royal residence. ​ Over the centuries, François I, Henri II, Charles IX, Henri IV, Louis XIII and Louis XIV made it evolve through numerous works. After his departure for Versailles in 1678, Louis XIV had sculptures installed in the Louvre Museum. The Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture organized its first exhibition in 1699. T his marks the beginning of the Louvre's association with the visual arts. The Central Museum of Arts opened on August 10, 1793. Visitors can admire the royal collections of paintings and antiques free of charge. Following structural problems, it was closed from 1796 to 1801 for renovations. François Mitterrand, President of the Republic, launches a major modernization project which gives birth, among other things, to the great Pyramid of the Louvre. The Grand Louvre project consisted, after integration of the Richelieu wing occupied by the Ministry of Finance, of improving the circulation of visitors in the museum. The Louvre pyramid was built between 1985 and 1989. The first inauguration took place on March 4, 1988 and the second on March 29, 1989. The total area of ​​the Louvre Museum is approximately 210,000 m². This makes it one of the largest museums in the world in terms of exhibition space. More than 35,000 works on display, ranging from Antiquity to modern art. With 72,735 m² of rooms and galleries, the Louvre is the largest art museum in the world, ahead of the Hermitage Museum in Russia and the National Museum of China. The collections are divided into eight departments, covering Western art, ancient civilizations (Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman), the arts of the first Christians and those of Islam. It houses famous pieces such as Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo. The Louvre Museum is a major attraction that attracts millions of visitors each year. Le Bon Marché Canopy Escalators Le Bon Marché is located at 24, rue de Sèvre Paris 7th near the Lutetia Hotel. ​ Le Bon Marché opened its doors on November 18, 1852. ​ It has a commercial area of ​​approximately 50,000 m². ​ Founded by Aristide Boucicaut, associated with the Videau brothers Le Bon Marché is considered the first department store in France and revolutionized consumption patterns at the time. ​ Le Bon Marché stands out for its refined atmosphere and its high-end selection. ​ Le Bon Marché offers a unique shopping experience where luxury and elegance coexist. ​ The Grande Epicerie de Paris ​ Located at the corner of rue du Bac and rue de Sèvre, Le Bon Marché opened the Comptoir de l'alimentation in 1923. ​ La Grande Epicerie was founded in 1978. ​ Three pivotal periods shape La Grande Épicerie de Paris 1988 – La Grande Épicerie de Paris is transformed and becomes a leading food store. ​ 1999 – La Grande Epicerie de Paris begins a total renovation and a new graphic identity and positions itself as the true reference for gastronomy in Paris. ​ 2013 - La Grande Épicerie de Paris celebrates its rebirth after 18 months of renovation. ​ Enjoy a new experience that is always unique, revealing the know-how of the culinary professions, an ever more sophisticated selection of exceptional products – rare or traditional – and finally new worlds and services. The BHV Marais BHV Marais is an emblematic department store located at 52, rue de Rivoli Paris 4th. ​ The BHV was inaugurated in 1856. ​ With a commercial surface area of approximately 70,000 m², the BHV brought together under the same roof everything necessary to equip the person and the home, from decoration to fashion through beauty and DIY. ​ Founded by the jewelry maker François-Xavier Ruel. ​ Its rich history and reputation make it a must-see for shopping enthusiasts in Paris. Le Printemps Haussmann Printemps Haussmann is a department store located at 64, boulevard Haussmann Paris 9th. ​ Printemps Haussmann was inaugurated on November 3, 1865. ​ Jules Jaluzot and Jean-Alfred Duclos are at the origin of Printemps Haussmann. ​ Despite its distance from the lively heart of Paris at the time, Jaluzot foresaw the growth of this district and the opportunity provided by the proximity of the Saint Lazare station. ​ The very first Printemps store has large windows which reveal vast galleries and seems to form a sort of large covered market supported by columns. ​ Printemps Haussmann is an architectural masterpiece of the 19th and 20th centuries. ​ The facades and roofs (except the modern elevation) of the old stores (current Printemps de l'Homme) have been listed as historic monuments since January 15, 1975. ​ Its renovation of the facades was undertaken to preserve the memory and identity of the place. ​ The store is a true Parisian emblem offering a typically Parisian shopping experience. ​ It is home to leading fashion, beauty and home decor brands. ​ Distributed by theme throughout the store's three buildings, these brands occupy 27 levels and 45,500 square meters in total. ​ Since the beginning of 2019, Printemps Haussmann has been offering the general public a behind-the-scenes tour through a guided tour, going from the store's underground passages to the roof garden offering a breathtaking view of the capital, via the famous Art Deco dome. ​ I highly recommend that you take a trip to Printemps Haussmann to discover this emblematic place of fashion and shopping.

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